Abes Workout Log

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How'd it go?

So, How'd it go?

Before we get into that, be sure and show up at Lincoln Park next week. We can't meet in the fairgrounds because of the rodeo. Try to be there. I think we should have a group picture taken and talk about another social event, maybe even a pool party. We'll be doing 5.5 I think.

We didn't have a wrap up last night, but hopefully you realized a few things. One, the heat sucks. Two, it's really easy to go out too fast. I think most of you did fairly well at pacing. You just need to be very conscious of your pace early on so you don't burn out too early. And three, did you have anything left at the end? Race situations are different than training runs. Training runs you don't want to completely empty the reservoir, just get close to push your limits. During races you don't want to have anything left in your tank. The best race is one where you use up your last reserve during the mad dash to the finish and can barely stand up at the end.

Hopefully you got your time as you crossed. That course is a pretty good representation of the whole 10K. It had some of the same hills and some others that are a good replacement for the ones you didn't hit. Use the McMillan pace calculator to find what your expected finish time for a 10K is. Just put in your time and select the 5K option and after you hit Calculate it will give you your expected pace for the race. Keep in mind that this is not guaranteed and you might even do better. The race will be in the morning, so there is a chance it will be cool.

Anyway, we can talk more next week. Have a good week.

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