Abes Workout Log

Monday, July 23, 2007

for sore muscles...

I'm finally getting around to mentioning this to you guys. I finally remembered because I walked all over SixFlags on Saturday and came home and got my 13 miles in last night. Right now I'm hurting a little. You've probably had a few times when you could have used something to help with muscle soreness over the last month or two. Some muscle soreness is good, it means you've worked muscles past where they've been used before. But sometimes that pain just gets in the way of your everyday life. You can use your favorite NSAID (Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for pain such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or Aleive, but that is an overall treatment for something that might be more specific. I use them sometimes, but another tool I use when I hurt somewhere specific (like my quads or calves) is Biofreeze.

Biofreeze is a topical analgesic like Bengay or Icy-Hot. But its got a more pleasing scent that actually disappears after 5-10 minutes. I've got samples of it that you can rub on, but I've also got it in a roll-on bottle so you don't have to get it all over your hands. If you want a bottle or just some samples let me know, I've got some I can sell you. You can't find this in stores, I don't believe they distribute it that way. It's supposed to be available from health professionals that stock it. I found a place on the internet that offered free shipping for a certain quantity and I took advantage of it.


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