Abes Workout Log

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Here's another way we're going to communicate with you. We'll put posts on here with information. Check back to see what's up. You can also sign up to get the blog emailed to you when there's posts. Check on the link to the right. Any time you want to comment just click on the comment link. You don't have to have a blogger ID to comment. Anonymous is fine, just leave your name so we know who is commenting.

Here's our current group:

Scott Adkins
Amy Whisnant
Amy Walters

Britney Bailey

Debbie Bruce

Michelle Bates

Jennifer Danna

John Muchow

Kristin Bavetta

Nick Fogleman

Warren Ribley


Nick said...


The site looks Great! Should be a very useful tool.


PS - Not to nit-pick, but my last name is spelled FogLEman. Everybody makes that mistake the first time. Even on my Drivers License, :)

Jeremy said...

Thanks Nick. I changed it.

Anonymous said...

Good job Jeremy
